Service Details

Service Name

KAF for Bridges and Roads

Service Description

KAF was founded in 2004 and is in the process to pursue Class Contractor Certificate with a particular focus on developing areas of infrastructure. KAF has been involved in constructions of roads, bridges, water as well as rehabilitation of agricultural projects.
It has qualified administrators, engineers and skilled technical team who have the capabilities to meet all requirements. and also follows regular training programs for the staff and technicians to keep them in touch with the latest technologies in their field of work.


KAF offers a comprehensive range of construction services in the following fields:
  • Roads & Bridges Construction
  • Earth Moving Works.
  • Irrigation Works
  • Hawata, Karadees & Gala El-Nahal gravelly roads
  • Business and Finance District (Omdurman) Sub-base embankments
  • Business and Finance District (Omdurman) Sub-base embankments
  • Roads construction at the length of 12 km (jointly with Rwabit Company for Roads & Bridges).
  • Rehabilitation of Nile State Agricultural Projects (construction of irrigation canals & Hydraulic Structure )
  • Rehabilitation of New Halfa scheme (RSG Structure).
  • Excavation works at Nabta’s Residential Project owned by The Social Insurance. “jointly” (Khartoum for Water & Services).
  • “Haffiers” construction at Al-Gadarif State, North & South of Kordufan, “jointly” Hiwa & Al-Gadarif for Engineering & Contracting.
  • Marawi air port sub-base materials hauling and processing (jointly with Hammam Co.).
  • Earth works in Adary Yele oil field (Sub-contractor with Sadig for Roads & Bridges).


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